Why I’m Running

I decided to run for the Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees because I believe the current Board majority has taken IVGID down a path that is negatively affecting those who live and work in Incline Village.  Over most of the last 50 years, IVGID has had a successful, sound, and proven model of managing recreational venues as a portfolio of mutually reliant and sustaining venues, supported in part by a very reasonable recreation facility fee. I moved to Incline Village in large part because of that model.  Unfortunately, the Board majority has moved away from this model in the last couple years.  The current Board majority has championed and made decisions more consistent with a model where the operations of individual venues must stand on their own.  At the same time, their actions have risked the sustainability of the facilities by stripping many of these venues of much needed recreation fees for upkeep, improvement, and expansion. 

These actions, along with making decisions that reduced employee benefits, micromanaging District staff and usurping the authority of seasoned professionals, has eroded staff morale and created a toxic work environment that has led to dangerous and unprecedented levels of departures of senior staff across virtually all functions.

The Board majority has made these moves despite feedback from many community members who have expressed overwhelming pushback.  This has fractured the community and created an acrimonious BOT/resident dynamic.

I believe my background and skills, combined with my position on key issues impacting IVGID and its residents and employees, will help put IVGID back on the right track. My background with a very successful global business has given me a bias for action as opposed to the paralysis we’ve seen from recent Trustees. Working with other Trustees and IVGID leadership, we will move forward with responsible, smart investments that are needed to preserve and improve our infrastructure for the benefit of all residents and property owners. Working collaboratively with all constituents and treating staff with respect, we will help to heal the scars that have developed between the Board and IVGID’s employees and residents.